Liste de discussion

ARUCC-L is an unmoderated national electronic forum directed to those working in Registrar's Offices and related student services areas.  It is intended to provide and promote the sharing of information, experience, policies, procedures, and advice about issues affecting registrarial personnel.

This list welcomes questions, answers, expressions of concern, and discussion about any area or aspect of registrarial life.  Access is restricted to those individuals working in registrarial or related areas.

To send a message to ARUCC members on this listserv, just send an e-mail to Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.. This is called "sending mail to the list," because you send mail to a single address and ARUCC-L makes copies for all the people who have subscribed. This address is also called the "list address."

The ARUCC listserv is configured to automatically use the original author's email address when replying to a message from the listserv. Please ensure that you always reply to the original author rather than the entire list. The list also adds the subject prefix tag [Arucc-l] to all e-mail sent to the list. This makes it eaiser to spot and manage [Arucc-L] email in your inbox.

To join the ARUCC-L list please access the following list web page:

Requests to join the list will be reviewed, and subscribers will be checked against the directory listing. Please ensure your institution has added you to the directory listing prior to attempting to subscribe to Arucc-L.

To manage your list membership, including un-subscription, please use the following list web page:

To manage member options, enter your email address and your Arucc-L password. On joining the list you would have been supplied with a password. If you can not remember your password, enter your email address under 'options login page' and then click 'Remind' under the 'Password reminder' menu bar. Your membership management password will be e-mailed to you.

Manage Member Options

IMPORTANT: This list is for the use of ARUCC members and member institutions only. You should not publicly mention its existence, or forward copies of information you have obtained from it to third parties.