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L’ARUCC est une association portée par ses membres et dont la mission est de favoriser l’avancement des meilleures pratiques au sein des bureaux de registraires du secteur de l’enseignement supérieur au Canada. Dans ce contexte, l’ARUCC respecte l’autonomie et l’autorité de toutes les organisations et de tous les établissements membres, notamment en ce qui a trait aux processus, aux politiques et aux questions de protection des renseignements personnels, propres à chacun. L’élaboration et la sélection des meilleures pratiques à l’échelle nationale repose largement sur la consultation, sur les analyses comparatives et sur la recherche. Les recommandations de meilleures pratiques sont mises à disposition des membres qui sont libres de les adopter ou d’en tenir compte au moment de revoir ou d’examiner leurs activités. Par ailleurs, les membres sont encouragés à effectuer leurs propres analyses et à consulter d’autres membres lorsqu’ils souhaitent modifier leurs pratiques.

L’ARUCC est propriétaire de MesCertifMC, un portefeuille en ligne de documents d’études, conçu pour le Canada, qui permet aux étudiantes et aux étudiants d’accéder à leurs documents d’études numérisés, tels que relevés de notes et diplômes, et de les partager en tout temps.

Pour plus de renseignements sur l’ARUCC, veuillez consulter l’Énoncé de l’objectif, le site du Réseau national et le site MesCertifMC.

Registered Education Savings Plan Verification of Enrolment Form

This information is provided for those university and college offices
responsible for the provision of RESP verifications of enrolment.

ARUCC is pleased to provide Canadian universities and colleges with access to the approved Verification of Enrolment Form that may be used with the Registered Education Savings Plan Agreement forms submitted by students. ARUCC wishes to acknowledge the work of Mr. Lou Ariano, University Registrar, McMaster University in representing ARUCC in this project.

At the June 16, 2006 meeting of the Registered Education Savings Plan Advisory Group, the membership of the Advisory Group approved the use of a Verification of Enrolment form. The form may be used by Canadian universities and colleges to provide their students with the verification of enrolment information needed for the completion of the Registered Education Savings Plan agreement forms. The RESP Verification of Enrolment Form was approved for use by Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC), the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA), the Investment Dealers Association (IDA), the Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC) and the Registered Education Savings Plan Dealer's Association of Canada (RESPDAC).

pdfRegistered Education Savings Plan Verification of Enrolment Form (English PDF)
pdfConfirmation de l'inscription (PDF version française)

If universities and colleges decide to use the approved form, they should ensure that applicable changes are made to the template so as to have the Verification of Enrolment Form reflect their institutional regulations. In particular, universities and colleges should make the following changes:

  1. Ensure that all fields provided on the template are included in the institution’s form.
  2. Add their crest, logo or word mark.
  3. Add their address information.
  4. Ensure that the Notes section of the form provide the correct institutional information. The template provided on the ARUCC web site includes sample notes for illustration only.

If a university or college decides to use this Form as their means of providing RESP verifications of enrolment, and once the form has been amended to meet the approved regulations of their university or college, the form may be made available to students in one of three ways:

  1. A paper copy of the institution’s version of the verification form is completed manually by authorized staff and provided to the student. The manually completed form requires the name and signature of the designated institutional officer and also requires that the institution’s stamp or seal be affixed to the form.
  2. An electronic copy of the institution’s version of the verification form is completed using information retrieved from the institution’s student information system (SIS) and then printed by authorized staff and provided to the student. The SIS completed form requires the name and signature of the designated institutional officer and also requires that the institution’s stamp or seal be affixed to the form.
  3. The completed form is made available to students online on a self-serve basis via the institution’s secure student authenticated protocol/portal. An electronic copy of the institution’s version of the verification form is provided by the institution’s student information system (SIS) and is automatically completed using information from the institution’s student information system (SIS) when student’s request the form online. While the name and signature of the designated institutional officer and the institution’s stamp or seal do not need be affixed to the form, a note stating that the form was available to the student via an authorized logon protocol, including the date prepared, should be added to the form.