ARUCC Webinar Series

ARUCC is excited to be hosting the 2023-2024 Webinar Series!

Join your ARUCC colleagues for engaging webinars hosted by your professional peers and members of ARUCC. The series endeavours to present a diverse range of topics to bring together ARUCC members to share knowledge and best practices. Members can participate in any or all of the webinars that are scheduled. Watch this space for updates on future sessions!

Sessions Dates and Times:

Webinar 1: Friday, September 22, 2023

Managing Exceptions: Discretionary Decision-Making to Resolve Complex Student Issues

Now, more than ever, higher education institutions are dealing with students who present complex circumstances that may be barriers to degree completion. With the added factor of the Covid-19 pandemic, the pendulum has swung to accommodate beyond what may have been tolerated even five years ago. Furthermore, each situation is different. How can we feel confident in the decisions we make, especially when they involve situations we haven’t seen before, or that aren’t explicitly addressed in policy? How do we ensure fairness when making decisions that fall outside written policy?

Josie Lalonde - Director, Student Experience, OISE, University of Toronto
Nicola Woods - Director, Academic Services and Registrar, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

A recording of this session can be found on the ARUCC website, in the Members Only area (you must login), under the "ARUCC Webinar Recordings" link provided in the right side "Members Only Menu".


Webinar 2: Friday, October 20, 2023
(10 am PDT, 11 am MDT, 12 pm CDT, 1 pm EDT, 2 pm ADT, 2:30 pm NDT)

Frequently Asked Questions: ChatGPT and generative AI in teaching and learning at the University of Waterloo

In November 2022, OpenAI released a free preview of ChatGPT, a highly advanced chatbot that uses predictive text to string words together in a way that mimics human conversational patterns. While generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools are not new, the quality of responses generated by ChatGPT surpasses prior AI-based writing tools, sparking debate in the higher education community about its use in teaching and learning. Many questions centre around academic integrity, and effective uses of such tools. At Waterloo we know that innovations in technology often produce innovations in teaching and learning, and this new development is no exception.

Amanda McKenzie, Director, Office of Academic Integrity, University of Waterloo
Dr. Trevor Holmes, Associate Director, Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo

A recording of this session along with presentation slides, can be found on the ARUCC website, in the Members Only area (you must login), under the "ARUCC Webinar Recordings" link provided in the right side "Members Only Menu".


Webinar 3: Friday, November 17, 2023
(8 am PST, 9 am MST, 10 am CST, 11 am EST, 12 pm AST, 12:30 pm NST)

Holistic Admissions: The Path to Student Success, Program Success and Achieving Your Mission

How do we evolve our admissions requirements and practices to deliver decisions that are both defensible as well as equitable and fair, while admitting students who will succeed in their programs and their future careers?

A holistic approach to admissions is a path forward, one which looks at the ‘whole’ applicant rather than focusing only on academic measures. Dr. Kelly Dore, Adjunct Professor at MacMaster University and VP of Science and Innovation and co-founder of Acuity Insights, walks you through a step-by-step approach to evolve your process, all the way from reviewing your requirements to getting stakeholder buy-in. You will take away actionable strategies to start using immediately.

Dr. Kelly Dore, Adjunct Professor at MacMaster University and VP of Science and Innovation and co-founder of Acuity Insights

A recording of this session along with presentation slides, can be found on the ARUCC website, in the Members Only area (you must login), under the "ARUCC Webinar Recordings" link provided in the right side "Members Only Menu".


Webinar 4: Friday, December 15, 2023
(9 am PST, 10 am MST, 11 am CST, 12 pm EST, 1 pm AST, 1:30 pm NST)

Best Practices in Detecting Fraud in Academic Credentials

This session will explore best practices for detecting fraudulent documents in university and college admissions. From paper documents to email attachments, the presenter will discuss common red flags and documentation concerns. The presenter will also showcase recommended daily practices to enhance everyone's detective skills and build confidence in the admissions process.

Majka Drewitz, Senior Manager of Evaluation Staff at Educational Credential Evaluators Inc.

Majka is a Senior Manager of Evaluation Staff at Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE). She studied English at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poland, and Linguistics at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Majka’s areas of interest include research, selected education systems (Europe, former USSR, Middle East) and fraud detection. In 2005, Majka authored ECE Insights: Evaluation Tools for Russian Credentials, and in 2011 co-authored ECE’s Education in the Commonwealth Caribbean series chapters on British Virgin Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and nursing education. Majka is an experienced presenter and the lead trainer on document fraud and forensics at ECE.

A recording of this session can be found on the ARUCC website, in the Members Only area (you must login), under the "ARUCC Webinar Recordings" link provided in the right side "Members Only Menu".


Webinar 5: Wednesday, March 27, 2024
(9 am PDT, 10 am MDT, 11 am CDT, 12 pm EDT, 1 pm ADT, 1:30 pm NDT)

Leveraging CI to strategically align resources to portfolios

The term change management has recently become synonymous with pricey change consultants that share advice but do little to impact projects, teams and organizations. Participants in this session will learn that all change is neurological, and that by recognizing different types of responses to change, one can ensure matches between personalities and portfolios. The session includes an overview of the change intelligence© model and two brief case studies where use of the model positively impacted portfolio and project outcomes.

Jodi Tavares, Executive Director MyCreds/MesCertif (ARUCC)

A recording of this session can be found on the ARUCC website, in the Members Only area (you must login), under the "ARUCC Webinar Recordings" link provided in the right side "Members Only Menu".


Webinar 6: Tuesday, April 16, 2024
(9 am PDT, 10 am MDT, 11 am CDT, 12 pm EDT, 1 pm ADT, 1:30 pm NDT)

Peer External Reviews: Reflections on intentions, process, and outcomes from reviewers and reviewees

This session will be a panel with individuals who have done reviews and have requested reviews.

Topics will include:

  • Peer review over private review
  • Costs  / return
  • Impact and connection to strategic planning and directors

Presenters (Panel Format):

  • Moderator: Darran Fernandez - Assistant Vice-Provost & University Registrar, York University
  • Panelist: Adam Robertson - University Registrar and Assistant Vice-President Enrolment Management, Dalhousie University
  • Panelist: Charmaine Hack - Vice-President Strategic Enrolment Management , Centennial College
  • Panelist: Ray Darling - University Registrar, University of Windsor
  • Panelist: Melissa Padfield - Deputy Provost (Students and Enrolment), University of Alberta

A recording of this session along with presentation slides, can be found on the ARUCC website, in the Members Only area (you must login), under the "ARUCC Webinar Recordings" link provided in the right side "Members Only Menu".


Webinar 7: Monday, May 6, 2024
(9 am PDT, 10 am MDT, 11 am CDT, 12 pm EDT, 1 pm ADT, 1:30 pm NDT)

The First 90 Days: Support for Registrar Leaders Taking a New Step in their Career Path

As registrarial leaders, one of our chief concerns is ensuring that we have the right leaders in place at all the levels of our organization. This includes managing our own career path through role transitions, and also hiring and mentoring leaders in our portfolio as they work through their own transitions.
The first 90 days is a critical period for any registrar leader taking on a new role. It is a time of great pressure and sadly also a time fraught with many pitfalls and perils. Failures in the first 90 days can create bad impressions that are difficult or impossible for registrar leaders to overcome.
Based on the Harvard Business Reviews’ international bestseller The First 90 Days, this presentation explores the principles and plans that leaders can employ to avoid pitfalls and transition more successfully and quickly. These principles apply not only to first-time leaders, but any leader taking on a new role. The session also describes how these principles were implemented into a leader development program at one Canadian PSI.

Jonathan Nituch, Director of Enrolment Services and Operations, NAIT

A recording of this session along with presentation slides, can be found on the ARUCC website, in the Members Only area (you must login), under the "ARUCC Webinar Recordings" link provided in the right side "Members Only Menu".


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