ARUCC provides the opportunity for corporations who have established service contracts with individual postsecondary institutions to apply for Corporate Associate status in ARUCC. Corporate Associate status within ARUCC does not imply educational accreditation, nor does it imply compatibility with or inclusion in ARUCC MyCreds™ | MesCertif™ National Network. It also does not implicitly or explicitly imply ARUCC endorsement of the services or product offered by the corporate associate. Those considering using the services of any organization on this list are encouraged to conduct their own assessments of those corporate entities.
ARUCC reserves the right at its sole discretion to revoke corporate associate status at any time, with or without cause, and without refund of corporate associate fees. Visit MyCreds™ | MesCertif™ for details on the nature of the affiliation between a given organization/corporate associate and the MyCreds™ | MesCertif™ network, or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information on affiliations and partnerships with ARUCC more generally, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Launch updates are available online.
ARUCC MyCreds™ | MesCertif™ Service Provider & Corporate Associate
1200, boulevard Saint-Laurent
bureau 2.200
Montréal, QC
H2X 0C9 Canada
514 864-9191
Mathieu Demers
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
514 873-2324 poste 25091
Other Corporate Associates
4th Floor, 325 Front Street West
Toronto, Ontario
Andrea Wright
Market Strategy Manager
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Acuity Insights is the leading provider of admissions assessments, including our on-line situational judgment test, Casper, as well as program management, and data analytics solutions for higher education. Our solutions help higher education institutions deliver on their mission holistically, considering the whole student, widening pathways into higher education, and ensuring both student and program success.