Where Evidence Meets Action
The ARUCC Research Working Group is a volunteer committee that supports, showcases, and conducts research with the goal of contributing to our profession. We also review and provide advice to the national association regarding research requests presented to ARUCC. In short, we are a group of colleagues who are intent on encouraging thoughtful, evidence-based research to support advances in Canadian enrolment services.
Interested in helping out? Contact our chair, Kate Ross at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Latest Activities 
ARUCC Research Working Group Survey results from the membership - winter 2016/17
Consultation brief to support ARUCC Research Working Group Survey – Topics: (i) Documenting Learner Achievement of Learning Outcomes and (ii) Course Waitlists
Stay tuned for more coming soon!
Publishing Opportunity
Keen to publish a new white paper or research study?
Send a PDF to Kyle Vuorinen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
How To Guide for Writing Research Studies and White Papers
If you are writing a research study or white paper, Ray Darling, Registrar at the University of Guelph, provided some helpful tips in his presentation for the Ontario University Registrars' Association (OURA) conference.
Recent Efforts
- National Residency study
- ARUCC PCCAT Transcript and Transfer Guide
- Student Success study
- Online Surveys conducted by the membership
- ARUCC White Papers and related research
- Additional Resources
Wondering who we are?
- Kate Ross, Associate VP and Registrar, University of British Columbia - Chair
- Ray Darling, Registrar, University of Guelph – Vice Chair & Ontario Representative
- Alice Miller, Registrar, University of Windsor - ARUCC Executive Representative
- Kyle Vuorinen, Associate Registrar, Douglas College – Western Representative
- Joanne Duklas, ARUCC Honourary Member – Member-at-large
- Mike V. Sekulic, University Registrar, MacEwan University – Member-at-large
Current Vacancies
- Eastern representative
- Québec representative