arucc mapleleaf

2023 Conference Arucc En1123

ARUCC is a member-driven association whose mission is to help foster within the Canadian higher education sector the advancement of registrarial best practices. Accordingly, ARUCC respects the autonomy and authority of all member institutions and organizations as it pertains to their individual processes, policies, and privacy concerns. The development and curation of national best practices relies heavily on consultation, benchmarking and research. Recommendations for best practices are made available to members, whom may freely adopt these or take them into account when revising and reviewing their own business operations. Members are encouraged to conduct their own due diligence and to consult with other members when seeking to amend their practices.

ARUCC is the owner of MyCreds™, a Made for Canada online national credential wallet, providing post-secondary learners with access to view and to share their digitized and portable post-secondary transcripts & credentials anytime, anywhere.

Additional information: ARUCC Statement of Purpose; Please refer to MyCreds™ | MesCertif™ and the news page for media announcements and breaking news. Visit our online member directory for a current list of issuing organizations that are delivering official documents, transcripts and credentials through this environment.

DocAlert-L Guidelines for Subscription and Use


The DocAlert-L list is a closed, national electronic forum available only to regular member institutions of the Association. Its sole purpose is for the issuing of document alerts by regular member institutions in good standing when a member institution has received documents of questionable authenticity.


A limited number of individuals (typically 2) with senior level admissions accountability at regular member institutions in good standing may be granted subscriptions to DocAlert-L. This is a closed listserv. It is not open to associate or corporate members.

Rules of Use:

  • Exchanges must be courteous, respectful and professional.
  • The list is not open to non-members.
  • Postings from non-members are not permitted.
  • DOCALERT-L is not a general discussion listserv.
  • Its sole purpose is for the issuing of document alerts by regular member institutions in good standing when a member institution has received documents of questionable authenticity.

ARUCC-L will remain in existence for the purpose of general discussions and surveys.

The required format for a Document Alert notice is as follows:

Subject: Document Alert
Dear Colleagues:
Anyone receiving an application for admission from the following individual may wish to contact me:

Family name:
First name:
Date of Birth:

Your name
Contact details

Important Notes:

If you issue document alert notices, or follow up on a document alert that another member has issued, you should be aware of your obligations to applicants under your provincial protection of privacy and freedom of information legislation. Many institutions, for example, now include a statement on their application for admission form that warns applicants that any misrepresentation on the application form may result in information being shared with other post-secondary institutions. Members are encouraged to seek the advice of their institutional legal counsel about appropriate wording to be included on their applications for admission, to ensure that the applicant has provided written authorization to share information with third parties.

At no time is it appropriate to state that an individual’s documentation is fraudulent, nor is it advisable to provide further information in the body of your document alert. Information circulated on the Document Alert service is for the use of admissions personnel in member institutions ONLY, and must not be shared with third parties.

Document Alert Services: Receiving an Alert

Information circulated on the Document Alert service is for the use of admissions personnel in member institutions ONLY, and must not be shared with third parties.

If you decide to take action (such as refusing an applicant) on the basis of a document alert, it is not acceptable to name ARUCC, AUCC, or the institution which issued the alert in any communication with the applicant. Any refusal of admission must be based on your institution’s own admissions regulations and procedures. The document alert has no official status; it is simply a service to alert you to those cases where you may wish to pay particular attention to the application and its supporting documents.

DocAlert-L: Subscribing & Unsubscribing

To join the DocAlert-L list please access the following list web page:

Requests to join the list will be reviewed. Your Registrar or Senior Admission person has to request you be added to DocAlert-L, by sending an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To manage your list membership, including un subscription, please use the following list web page:

On joining the list you would have been supplied with a password. If you can not remember your password, enter your email address under 'options login page' and then click 'Remind' under the reminder menu bar. Your membership management password will be e-mailed to you.