DocAlert-L Guidelines for Subscription and Use


The DocAlert-L list is a closed, national electronic forum available only to regular member institutions of the Association. Its sole purpose is for the issuing of document alerts by regular member institutions in good standing when a member institution has received documents of questionable authenticity.


A limited number of individuals (typically 2) with senior level admissions accountability at regular member institutions in good standing may be granted subscriptions to DocAlert-L. This is a closed listserv. It is not open to associate or corporate members.

Rules of Use:

  • Exchanges must be courteous, respectful and professional.
  • The list is not open to non-members.
  • Postings from non-members are not permitted.
  • DOCALERT-L is not a general discussion listserv.
  • Its sole purpose is for the issuing of document alerts by regular member institutions in good standing when a member institution has received documents of questionable authenticity.

ARUCC-L will remain in existence for the purpose of general discussions and surveys.

The required format for a Document Alert notice is as follows:

Subject: Document Alert
Dear Colleagues:
Anyone receiving an application for admission from the following individual may wish to contact me:

Family name:
First name:
Date of Birth:

Your name
Contact details

Important Notes:

If you issue document alert notices, or follow up on a document alert that another member has issued, you should be aware of your obligations to applicants under your provincial protection of privacy and freedom of information legislation. Many institutions, for example, now include a statement on their application for admission form that warns applicants that any misrepresentation on the application form may result in information being shared with other post-secondary institutions. Members are encouraged to seek the advice of their institutional legal counsel about appropriate wording to be included on their applications for admission, to ensure that the applicant has provided written authorization to share information with third parties.

At no time is it appropriate to state that an individual’s documentation is fraudulent, nor is it advisable to provide further information in the body of your document alert. Information circulated on the Document Alert service is for the use of admissions personnel in member institutions ONLY, and must not be shared with third parties.

Document Alert Services: Receiving an Alert

Information circulated on the Document Alert service is for the use of admissions personnel in member institutions ONLY, and must not be shared with third parties.

If you decide to take action (such as refusing an applicant) on the basis of a document alert, it is not acceptable to name ARUCC, AUCC, or the institution which issued the alert in any communication with the applicant. Any refusal of admission must be based on your institution’s own admissions regulations and procedures. The document alert has no official status; it is simply a service to alert you to those cases where you may wish to pay particular attention to the application and its supporting documents.

DocAlert-L: Subscribing & Unsubscribing

To join the DocAlert-L list please access the following list web page:

Requests to join the list will be reviewed. Your Registrar or Senior Admission person has to request you be added to DocAlert-L, by sending an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To manage your list membership, including un subscription, please use the following list web page:

On joining the list you would have been supplied with a password. If you can not remember your password, enter your email address under 'options login page' and then click 'Remind' under the reminder menu bar. Your membership management password will be e-mailed to you.

Membership Applications

Regular members

Institutions which are recognized by Universities Canada and Colleges and Institutes Canada and have paid the annual fee in accordance with By-Law I are Institutional Members of the Association. The Office of the Registrar, or equivalent, of each participating institution shall designate a Regular Member as the Institutional Representative who will vote on behalf of that Institution. Institutional Members only may vote. The Office of the Registrar, or equivalent, of each participating institution may designate as many Regular Members as it wishes in accordance with By-Law I. Rights and privileges of Regular Members are as follows:

  • Eligible to participate actively in the work of the Association
  • May vote on all matters brought before the Association (as above)
  • Are listed on the Association's web site
  • May subscribe to ARUCC-L
  • Eligible for members' rates for biennial conference

To become a Regular Member, please go to our online membership page.


Professional representatives in educational agencies or institutions not eligible for Institutional Membership may apply to be an Associate with ARUCC, which must be approved by the Executive Committee. Such institutions may designate as many Associate representatives as it wishes in accordance with the Bylaws.

  • Same privileges as Regular Members, but may not vote or hold office.

To become an Associate, please click here.

Corporate Associates

Corporate Associates are those organizations which provide products and/or services that assist or benefit Association members in carrying out their duties and responsibilities and which desire to participate in Association activities. The Executive may approve corporations seeking to be a Corporate Associate in the Association and will determine the extent and type of participation. In return for the corporate associate fee, ARUCC offers the following benefits:

  • Listing on the Association's web site with a brief (25 word) explanation of company's services
  • Direct access to the Executive for discussion of corporate services which may benefit the membership

To become a Corporate Associate, please click here.


Honorary Associates

Honorary Associates are those individuals no longer eligible to be Regular Members, but with records of significant service to the Association, who are so selected by the Executive Committee. They shall enjoy a permanent invitation to attend Association meetings and to maintain an interest in Association affairs.

  • All privileges of regular membership except the right to vote or hold office.

Take a look at our Honorary Associates here.

Regular Member Services

The Association provides the following services to members:

ARUCC Directory

The Association's Directory is regularly updated on the ARUCC website, includes the names and addresses of the individual members at all member institutions, as well as e-mail and Web site addresses. Listings of Associate and Corporate Associates are also included.


The ARUCC-Listserv (ARUCC-L) is an un-moderated national electronic forum available to members of the Association. It is intended to promote the sharing of information, expertise, policies, procedures and advice about issues affecting registrarial personnel. Instructions for signing on to the listserv are available to members once they have logged in to the Members Area of the site.

Professional Development

The biennial ARUCC conference provides a regular forum for communication of new developments in registrar's offices, policy discussions, reports on special projects, special interest group meetings, as well as for informal networking.

Document Alert Services

Notices may be posted by regular member institutions to DOCALERT-L, a closed listserv available only to regular member institutions, to advise colleagues when a sister institution has received documents of questionable authenticity. Instructions for signing on to the listserv are available to members once they have logged in to the Members Area of the site.


The ARUCC Forum is available in the Members Area of the site, and is an unmoderated discussion board where members can post and interact with threads, so as to foster conversation and dialogue in the ongoing work we do. Feel free to post questions to fellow members, interesting news or research from the field, announcements regarding recent initiatives, or anything that comes to mind. Note that it does not replace the existing ARUCC-L listserv, which will continue to be offered as a communication tool to all members.

ARUCC Survey Tool

The ARUCC Survey tool provides a full-function online surveying platform for all members, wherein results of surveys are immediately archivable and accessible to all. The system provides similar functionality to most surveying tools, and members can use it to post and curate their own multi-tier surveys. Note that for pulse-surveying (ie. one or two questions, max), members may use either this or the ARUCC Forum.

Job Posting Service

Information about positions available within the registrarial profession in Canada (and occasionally elsewhere) may be posted to the ARUCC website, and circulated to membership accordingly via the ARUCC-L listserv.

ARUCC Biennial Conference

Membership Fees

2023 - 2024

Membership Fees run from September 1 to August 30 each year.

 Institutional Members: AB, BC, MB, NT, NU
Classification Total Operating Revenue
($' 000s) of institution
Revenu total
($' 000m) de l'institution
Yearly Fee
Frais annuels
GST 5% Included
HST 13% Included
HST 15% Included
 A 0 - 4,499 $158.43 $166.35 $179.02 $182.19
 B 4,500 - 6,599 $220.05 $231.05


 C 6,600 - 10,999 $264.08 $277.29 $298.42 $303.70
 D 11,000 - 16,499 $316.89 $332.73 $358.08 $364.42
 E 16,500 - 21,999 $369.70 $388.18 $417.76 $425.15
 F 22,000 - 33,299 $422.52 $443.65 $477.45 $485.90
 G 33,300 - 44,399 $475.35 $499.11 $537.14 $546.65
 H 44,400 - 55,499 $528.14


$596.79 $607.36
 I 55,500 - 82,999 $580.96 $610.01 $656.48 $668.10
 J 83,000 - 110,999 $633.77 $665.46 $716.16 $728.84
 K 111,000 - 166,499 $686.57 $720.90 $775.83 $789.56
 L 166,500 - 221,999 $739.39 $776.36 $835.51 $850.30
 M 222,000 - over $792.20 $831.81 $895.19


Associates   $2000.00 $2100.00 $2260.00 $2300.00
Corporate Associates   $5000.00  $5250.00  $5650.00 $5750.00 

Honorary Associates

The ARUCC Honorary Associate Award recognizes individuals with records of significant service to the Association who are no longer eligible to be regular members. Recipients of this award will enjoy a standing invitation to Association meetings and be welcomed to contribute to Association affairs. The award is normally presented at the ARUCC biennial conference closest to the conclusion of the recipient’s eligibility as a regular member. Nominations can be made by any ARUCC member.

ARUCC award recipients from prior years are welcome to request a digital award badge by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Honorary Associates

  • Alison Pickrell, University of Saskatchewan
  • Kate Ross, The University of British Columbia
  • Janeen Hoover, Conestoga College
  • Des Bevis - University of Manitoba
  • Élise Beauregard - Université du Québec
  • Jim Boniface - University of Waterloo
  • Doug Burns - University of Alberta
  • Alexander Duncan Cairns - University of Alberta
  • Donald Cameron
  • Marion Crowell
  • Barb Davis - Brock University
  • Pierre Dionne - Université de Québec
  • Joanne Duklas - York University
  • Harry Evans - Simon Fraser University
  • Joan Fraser - Grant MacEwan University
  • Stefanie Ivan - Grant MacEwan University
  • Yves Jodoin - Bishop's University
  • Leo MacDonald
  • Anne- Montgomery - Bishop's University
  • John Parnell - The University of British Columbia
  • Herb Pettipierre
  • Henry Renouf - Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • Jean-Paul Schuller - McGill University
  • Ken Scullion - Ryerson University
  • Brian Silzer - The University of British Columbia
  • Bruce Smart - Concordia University
  • Lynn Theriault - Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Arnold Tingley - Dalhousie University
  • Ainsley Towe -Brock University
  • Viateur Viel - Université de Moncton
  • Manon Vaillant - HEC Montréal